
Positive experiences can mitigate negative effects in children with trauma

    Children with traumatic experiences in their early lives have a higher risk of obesity. But as new research from VISION researcher Dr Ladan Hashemi and colleagues at University of Auckland, New Zealand, demonstrate, this risk can be reduced through positive experiences.

    Their analysis of data from around 5,000 children in the Growing Up in New Zealand study revealed nine out of ten faced at least one significant source of trauma by the time they were eight years old. Multiple adverse experiences were also prevalent, with one in three children experiencing at least three traumatic events. Notably, certain traumatic experiences (including physical abuse and parental domestic violence) related more strongly to obesity than others. This highlights the strong connection between early-life adversity and physical health outcomes.

    Whilst researching the associations between obesity and childhood trauma, the team also explored the protective and mitigating effects of positive experiences. They defined positive experiences as:

    • mothers interacting well with their children
    • mothers involved in social groups
    • children engaged in enriching experiences and activities such as visiting libraries or museums and participating in sports and community events
    • children living in households with routines and rules, including those regulating bedtime, screen time and mealtimes
    • children attending effective early childhood education

    The findings were encouraging. Children with more positive experiences were significantly less likely to be obese by age eight. For example, those with five or six positive experiences were 60% less likely to be overweight or obese compared to children with zero or one positive experience. Even two positive experiences reduced the likelihood by a quarter.

    Among children exposed to multiple adversities, positive experiences can help mitigate the negative effects of childhood trauma. However, at least four positive experiences were required to significantly counteract the impact of adverse experiences.


    • Traditional weight-loss programmes focused solely on changing behaviours are not enough to tackle childhood obesity. To create lasting change, children need positive social environments and life experiences as well as support to address the emotional scars of early trauma shaping their lives.
    • Fostering positive experiences is a vital part of this holistic approach. These experiences not only help protect children from the harmful effects of adversity but also promote their overall physical and mental wellbeing. This isn’t just about preventing obesity – it’s about giving children the foundation to thrive and reach their full potential.
    • Sure Start and providers of early childhood education and support for parents could help reduce the health inequalities resulting from exposure to violence.

    To download the paper: Identification of positive childhood experiences with the potential to mitigate childhood unhealthy weight status in children within the context of adverse childhood experiences: a prospective cohort study | BMC Public Health

    To cite: Mellar, B.M., Ghasemi, M., Gulliver, P. et al. Identification of positive childhood experiences with the potential to mitigate childhood unhealthy weight status in children within the context of adverse childhood experiences: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 25, 8 (2025).

    For further information on the research:

    Or for further information, please contact Ladan at

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    Adverse childhood experiences associated with childhood obesity

      Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events or environmental factors occurring during childhood that can disrupt a child’s sense of safety, stability, and bonding. ACEs include child abuse and maltreatment, family dysfunctions, and exposure to violence outside the family. Individuals impacted by ACEs are at greater risk of developing obesity in adulthood, however, few studies have prospectively measured ACEs and obesity during childhood. Associations with the adoption of obesogenic behaviours during childhood, which directly contribute to obesity are also understudied.

      VISION researcher Dr Ladan Hashemi, along with colleagues from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, examined associations between individual and cumulative ACEs, obesity, and obesogenic behaviours during childhood (up to age 8). Using data from eight waves of the Growing Up in New Zealand study—the country’s largest birth cohort study—they developed an index to measure nine ACEs: child physical and psychological abuse, witnessing domestic violence against the mother, parental separation or divorce, parental incarceration, parental substance abuse, parental mental illness, peer bullying, and experiences of ethnic discrimination.  Their research, Associations between specific and cumulative adverse childhood experiences, childhood obesity, and obesogenic behaviours, discovered that:

      • ACEs were prevalent among children in New Zealand with almost nine out of ten experiencing at least one ACE. Multiple adverse experiences were also prevalent, with one in three children experiencing at least three traumatic events.
      • Higher ACE scores and experience of each specific ACE were significantly more prevalent among those identified as Māori or Pacific, those living in food insecure households or in the most deprived areas.
      • Experience of two or more ACEs was associated with higher risk of adopting obesogenic behaviours such as excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, inadequate sleep duration, excessive screen time, and physical inactivity. The risk increased as the number of ACEs increased.   
      • Six of nine assessed ACEs were associated with the development of childhood obesity. A dose-response pattern was observed, with obesity risk increasing as the number of ACEs increased.

      Exposure to ACEs contributes to the population-level burden of childhood obesity, potentially influencing obesity outcomes through associations with unhealthy, obesogenic behaviours. The findings highlight the importance of a holistic understanding of the determinants of obesity, reinforcing calls for ACEs prevention and necessitating incorporation of ACEs-informed services into obesity reduction initiatives.


      • Childhood obesity reduction efforts may benefit from considering the role of ACEs. Understanding and addressing the social determinants of obesity, such as family and social environments, may be important in the context of traditional behavioural change interventions targeting nutrition, sleep, screen time, and physical activity
      • Interventions that reduce children’s exposure to violence could help reduce levels of obesity and associated ACEs
      • Violence reduction and family support should feature in the government’s Tackling Obesity strategy

      To download the paper: Full article: Associations between specific and cumulative adverse childhood experiences, childhood obesity, and obesogenic behaviours

      To cite: Hashemi, L., Ghasemi, M., Mellar, B., Gulliver, P., Milne, B., Langridge, F., … Swinburn, B. (2025). Associations between specific and cumulative adverse childhood experiences, childhood obesity, and obesogenic behaviours. European Journal of Psychotraumatology16(1).

      Or for further information, please contact Ladan at

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      Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns associated with poor mental health of siblings

        Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) often affect multiple children within families, yet studies tend to focus on the health outcomes of individual children, underestimating the needs of affected families. First author Dr Shabeer Syed (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health), VISION Director and Professor Gene Feder, and colleagues aimed to examine the association between firstborns exposed to ACEs between 1 year before and 2 years after birth (the first 1000 days) and the risks of mental health problems, mental health-related health-care contacts, and all-cause hospital admissions in multiple children from the same mother, compared to firstborns without ACEs.

        The first-of-its-kind study, published in The Lancet Public Health and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Policy Research Programme, found that mothers whose firstborns had experienced adverse childhood experiences had a 71% increased risk of having children (aged five -18) with mental health problems, compared to mothers whose firstborn did not experience adversity.

        This translates to 12 additional children with mental health problems for every 100 mothers whose firstborn experienced adversity.

        These findings underscore the pervasive risk that early adversity can have on multiple children in the family, and the importance of early identification and sustained support for vulnerable families beyond the first 1,000 days of a child’s life.

        As part of the study, researchers analysed linked GP and hospital health records from 333,048 first-time mothers and their 534,904 children (firstborns and siblings) born in England between 2002 and 2018. They focused on six different forms of adverse childhood experiences in the firstborn child recorded during their first 1,000 days of life (from conception up until the age of two).

        These included: child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, maternal substance misuse, maternal mental health problems, adverse family environments (e.g. homelessness), and high-risk presentations of child maltreatment (e.g. unexplained child injuries).

        Over a third (37.1%) of firstborn children had at least one recorded adverse childhood experience. The most common adverse childhood experiences were living with maternal mental health problems (21.6%), followed by adverse family environments (14.5%) such as parental criminality and housing instability.

        Approximately one in five (19.8%) mothers had at least one child with a recorded mental health problem between the ages of 5 and 18.

        The risk of mental health problems was consistent across all siblings, regardless of birth order (firstborn vs thirdborn), in families where the firstborn experienced adverse childhood experiences.

        Lead author Dr Syed said: “Whilst previous research has focused on the impact of adverse childhood experiences on individual children, our study reveals a cascading health risk that extends beyond the individual, impacting on the health of siblings as well.

        “This likely stems from the continuation of adverse childhood experiences within the family. When a child or parent presents with mental health concerns, violence or other forms of adversity, it’s essential to ask about the wider family context.”

        As a result of their findings, the team are also calling for further research into the impact of early health visiting and primary care support.

        Co-author, Professor Feder, said: “General practice teams have a key role in identifying first-born children experiencing adverse childhood experiences and in supporting first-time parents to help reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences on the whole family, including subsequent children.

        “We need further evidence for effective interventions to reduce that impact, particularly on mental health.”

        Study limitations

        The researchers could not investigate adverse childhood experiences related to fathers’ mental health or substance use as healthcare data from fathers could not be linked to their children.

        The study found that adverse childhood experiences in firstborns were associated with mental health outcomes in the first and subsequent children, but this does not necessarily mean that adverse childhood experiences cause mental health problems.

        Additionally, electronic health-care records underestimate intimate partner violence and child maltreatment due to non-disclosure and/or detection and under-recording by clinicians.

        To download the paper: Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns and mental health risk and health-care use in siblings: a population-based birth cohort study of half a million children in England – The Lancet Public Health

        Or for further information, please contact Shabeer at

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