The rapid development of digital systems has benefited modern societies but also created opportunities for the proliferation of harms. Specifically, the term ‘technology-facilitated abuse’ (TFA) describes the misuse or repurposing of digital systems to harass, coerce, or abuse. It is a global problem involving both existing and emerging technologies.
TFA is regularly discussed in the context of domestic abuse, where it is perpetrated via a range of systems, including phones, laptops, and tablets, smart home/Internet of things appliances, as well as online accounts, that are either shared or accessed without the partner’s consent. In the United Kingdom, 32% of women and children who sought support for domestic abuse in 2022 to 2023.
The research field lacks comprehensive and standardised measurement tools and in 2022, the UN Secretary-General emphasized that the absence of agreed definitions and measures impedes any efforts to understand the true scale of TFA. Despite significant work across research, policy, and practice to understand the issue, the field operates within linguistic, conceptual, and disciplinary silos, inhibiting collaboration.
To address this, the present study led by Dr Nikolaos Koukopoulos (University College of London) in collaboration with VISION researchers Dr Madeleine Janickyj and Dr Leonie Tanczer used the Delphi technique to reach a consensus on TFA conceptualization, definition, terminology, and measurement among subject experts.
Following a literature review, a global, cross-disciplinary sample of academics, practitioners, and policymakers (n = 316) reflected on TFA across three survey rounds. The results showed both aligned and opposing perspectives. “Technology” and “facilitated” were the most preferable terms. Still, there was uncertainty regarding the need for additional terminologies to denote the scope of abuse, such as gendered descriptors. Participants had little familiarity with existing TFA measurement tools, with two-thirds unaware of any.
Most experts agreed on conceptualising TFA based on the perpetrator’s behaviour, the victim’s harm and impact, and consent. They also supported an expansive TFA definition, beyond intimate relationships, that can involve groups and communities as perpetrators or targets. However, they were more reluctant to perceive TFA as a distinct abuse form, or one guided by social norms, legal thresholds, or involving child perpetrators.
- The fragmentation and contrasting conceptualisations of TFA observed in this research underscore the need for greater cross-disciplinary communication among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to move closer toward a unified understanding of TFA. Some form of standardization is particularly crucial, given the rapidly developing ways existing and emerging technologies are weaponized in the digital realm. Concrete, practical steps could help bridge these divides by consolidating published work into a searchable database. This could include suggestions for conceptually similar terminology across various sectors and subject areas.
- Furthermore, an interactive online map of key TFA stakeholders and research groups could facilitate greater collaboration and knowledge-sharing, which the research team is now working on.
To download the paper: Defining and Conceptualizing Technology-Facilitated Abuse (“Tech Abuse”): Findings of a Global Delphi Study – Nikolaos Koukopoulos, Madeleine Janickyj, Leonie Maria Tanczer, 2025
To cite the paper: Koukopoulos, N., Janickyj, M., & Tanczer, L. M. (2025). Defining and Conceptualizing Technology-Facilitated Abuse (“Tech Abuse”): Findings of a Global Delphi Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0).
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