First attempt to estimate a lifetime cost per victim using administrative data from sexual violence support services

    The aim of this study was to estimate the lifetime cost of sexual violence and abuse in Essex, UK and evidence return on investment for support services. There were three main methodological components to this study. First, a rapid review using a systematic approach was be conducted to identify relevant unit costs that may be attributable to child and adult sexual violence and abuse. Second, administrative data was analysed, and regression predictions based on multiple imputation used to infer adjusted relative proportions attributable to each victim of sexual violence and abuse. Administrative data was also be used to infer the duration of harm where relevant. Finally, an estimate of the cost of sexual violence and abuse was be calculated by cost component, differentiating between child sexual violence and adult sexual violence.

    For further information and the article, please see: Estela Capelas Barbosa: Final report (

    Photo credit: Sarah Agnew / Unsplash
